Hello and welcome! I'm Deborah, the person behind Dogs on Bikes. All items are handmade by me in my workroom at home in Yorkshire.
I have been a 'maker' for as long as I can remember and drafting patterns since I was at school and that was a fair few years ago! So it seemed only natural that when our first Greyhound Boris came into our lives I should make clothes for him...and I did!
As well as us mere mortals Dogs on Bikes is also home to our much loved and pampered Greyhounds who have been my models and testers for all the Greyhound collars and Greyhound coats I make. Okay, so let's give you an introduction to our 4 legged friends..... :>
First up we have our Lulu. She came to us as an 8week old puppy from rescue. She is the fruit loop of the clan, is absolutely terrified of bangs of all kinds but loves to soak up all the cuddles she can get. She has the most amazing laid back approach to life!
Brian came to join us a short while after finishing racing when he was 5years old. He's a quiet and extremely loving soul who loves nothing better than to snuggle up with his hoomans! He's quite a nervous fella ouside of his happy home and we have spent the past few years showing him that the big wide world is not as scary as he thinks!
Crazy folk that we are we decided to home another land shark Greyhound pupster! So Betty came to live with us at 3 months old. She is a very bright little girl, extremely dinky for a Greyhound with the most loving nature and an expert food snaffler!!!
Minnie came to live with us at 8yrs old. She'd spent her whole life in kennels so understandably the whole world has been somewhat overwhelming for her at times so it's gently does it. She loves life and her adopted family and is learning to trust more people.
.....I have to include our Greyhounds past as they were the start of my Greyhound Attire journey.
Boris was our first homed Greyhound. He was an ex racing Greyhound who came to live with us at 5yrs old and certainly enjoyed the good life and his happy home! He was a great big softy with a sensitive soul, had a never ending passion for tripe sticks and was my shadow until the end. He loved people, his greyhound friends and if you said hello you had a friend for life! Boris left us at 10yrs old after battling a very rare cancer. To say I miss him is a great understatement.....
We also had Lottie who was Boris' best mate. She was quite a timid baby who had a rough start to life and was abandoned as a Greyhound pup with a leg injury. After being saved by pound pullers she came to live with us. A few weeks in with us Lottie suffered a FCE (spinal stroke) but with love, determination and therapy she was back to having fun albeit not so steady on her legs! She came to realise that a Greyhound's life can be fun and enjoyed being a 'puppy'. It broke my heart when she was diagnosed with a terminal cancer and left us a few days after her 9th Birthday.
Last but not least was Smudge cat, the boss of them all.....the crazy interloper that adopted us as her family! She left us from old age and dementia.
Oh and there's Mr DonB. If only he could sew...... :/
Boris and Lottie